Post 4CAzgoYpy2F

Remy Corbin Oct 01, 2016 (21:13)

"At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals."
Maybe there is someone who also considers this sentence beautiful and wise.
I've dared to try to translate it, but I suppose it isn't yet correct. Could someone set it right?
ilu mettasse amauya horie ilfirilli

Tamas Ferencz Oct 04, 2016 (14:23)

I would rephrase that a bit and say Í ilqua tele/teluva mauya mon hora alfírimar.
"When everything ends one should expect immortals."

ܤܡܝ ܦܠܕܢܝܘܤ Oct 04, 2016 (20:10)

ar(a)–ná–Cë, yo–ná–Cë (C = l, m, r, v?) ≈ Anwesenheit/Fi. läsnä-olo ?

Björn Fromén Oct 04, 2016 (23:12)

málor alfírime 'immortal comrades (companions)'?

Tamas Ferencz Oct 05, 2016 (09:56)

I like málo, a good, simple solution.
Gnomish gomod/gomodril come from gwa+MAT and were evidently modeled on the Latin, so maybe Q could use the same principle, *ó/yomatindo, ó/yomataste/matande/matie?

Remy Corbin Oct 09, 2016 (09:20)

+Tamas Ferencz, why not simply use the partitive plural...

Tamas Ferencz Oct 09, 2016 (09:47)

+Remy Corbin​ one could do that indeed. Nevertheless the problem how to translate "company / companion" is an interesting one 

Björn Fromén Oct 09, 2016 (14:12)

And 'the company of immortals' is hardly the same as 'some/several immortals', is it?