Post CeviBfv34Ti

Tamas Ferencz May 10, 2017 (10:15)

Lá onnaya lá yarontarerya
Lá onórorya lá nilmorya
Lanye aiqueno
Lanye aiqueno

Nanye, ve illi: tárie,
Forn’ aikasse, *nulme, *aquasatie,
Néka, vaháya kále,
Néka, vaháya kále.

Mal ai! Lá polin lemya síve,
Merinye sí panta imne,
Kenuvaina ankénie,
Kenuvaina ankénie.

Etta ilqua: immonwalme, linde,
Merin meluvaina nánye,
Ta himyuvan aiquenna,
Ta himyuvan aiquenna.

Endre Ady (1877-1919)

Neither a child, nor an ancestor,
Neither a kinsman, nor a friend,
I am of no one
I am of no one.

I am, like all: highness,
Northern peak, secret, strangeness,
Ghostly, distant light,
Ghostly, distant light.

But oh, I am unable to remain like this,
I wish to reveal myself,
Be seen with seeing eyes
Be seen with seeing eyes.

All is for this: the self-torment, the singing
I wish that people loved me
And that I belonged to someone
And that I belonged to someone.


Sem utódja, sem boldog őse,
Sem rokona, sem ismerőse
Nem vagyok senkinek,
Nem vagyok senkinek.

Vagyok, mint minden ember: fenség,
Észak-fok, titok, idegenség,
Lidérces, messze fény,
Lidérces, messze fény.

De, jaj, nem tudok így maradni,
Szeretném magam megmutatni,
Hogy látva lássanak,
Hogy látva lássanak.

Ezért minden: önkínzás, ének:
Szeretném, hogyha szeretnének
S lennék valakié,
Lennék valakié.

Ицхак Пензев May 11, 2017 (05:57)

Is the third part a Hungarian version?

Tamas Ferencz May 11, 2017 (08:31)

Björn Fromén May 17, 2017 (00:41)

Why the possessive pronouns in the first lines? Do they reflect something in the Hungarian original?

Tamas Ferencz May 17, 2017 (09:13)

+Björn Fromén you know what, you are absolutely correct - well spotted! I myself would not have even noticed that I basically mirrored the Hungarian grammatical structure without thinking. Indeed the proper Quenya form would be lá onna lá yarontare ... lanye aiqueno.

For a weird reason I am hesitant to correct the translation as it ruins the rhythm; I'll have to think about that.