Post ETqGma6a8U6

Tamas Ferencz Mar 08, 2017 (10:43)

I have started working on a project - a primer course into Quenya, that is, to NeoQuenya (although I do not like the term).
I know there are other courses out there, but I feel there is room for a new one.
It will take a few good months to come up with something worth looking at - wish me luck in the meantime!

Tamas Ferencz Mar 08, 2017 (10:44)

P.S. one of the reasons I have announced this here is to give myself an incentive to actually finish it now that I have committed myself in public:)

Александр Запрягаев Mar 08, 2017 (11:38)

+Tamas Ferencz Maybe we should join forces. It is exactly what I've been working on now for quite a long time. Only I plan more of a grammar/grammatical checkbook for those (like me) who find themselves unable to work with convenient 'lessons' and dosed bits of grammar, but prefer everything sorted out and put into rules and tables. The chapters about the gerund and the moods are quite complete.

Tamas Ferencz Mar 08, 2017 (12:05)

+Александр Запрягаев that's a formidable task you've taken on; but I think our methods would be quite different. I take it that your checkbook would be quite comprehensive, while my primer is, by nature, "cherry-picking" from the attested grammatical paradigm to construe a certain "hue" of neoQuenya.
Nevertheless, I will certainly share my work with you for review and comments, as soon as I get something substantial done - currently I am still only on the 4th lesson.

Rick Spell Mar 08, 2017 (16:01)

I'm jumping in line to take the course!

Robert Reynolds Mar 08, 2017 (16:16)

I would utilize and appreciate such resources. I'm also open to helping with copyediting, formatting, typesetting, etc. I've done Web design and desktop publishing with Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign, and several TeX variants.

Tamas Ferencz Mar 08, 2017 (17:12)

+Robert Reynolds thanks for your kind offer, I may accept at some point:)

ܤܡܝ ܦܠܕܢܝܘܤ Mar 08, 2017 (21:57)

A primer = perhaps e.g. yessetulyámëa parma. When not attempting a single-word minimalist translation (with, say, sundo(carme)–, *sundosaite–, *minyasaite– ).

Andre Polykanine Mar 11, 2017 (00:57)

+Tamas Ferencz +Александр Запрягаев I highly and sincerely support both of you, please do what you can/want in this domain because there are people like me who can't and perhaps never will be able to access Tolkienian manuscripts. Your work is greatly appreciated. Anything I can do, I'll do for your work to be completed. Thanks in advance.

Tamas Ferencz Mar 11, 2017 (15:24)

+ܤܡܝ ܦܠܕܢܝܘܤ *minatulyare (literally "introduction")? *mittanyare?

Silmarien Ingoldo Mar 13, 2017 (01:57)

That's great. Perhaps you guys could create this course on
It's a pity they have Clingon and not Quenya or Sindarin.

Hjalmar Holm Mar 13, 2017 (16:36)

I look forward for both works to be completed, as I think both are needed. The good Quenya-courses that I know of are old and outdated.

Young P Mar 22, 2017 (10:56)

+Hjalmar Holm FYI Helge updated his course in 2011 though his page still provides the old one only. - {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\adeflang1025 {\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 ...