Post MdF5hQwnbM5

Björn Fromén Nov 11, 2016 (17:48)

Before Philippi

Tulmassen fírimóron ea sóla,
ya luimenen hilyanwa mene almenna;
útirina, ciryastier vehtento
marte únúra nenna ar angayassin.
Quant' earesse taite sí lútalwe;
ha mauya i mahtuvalwe i celume,
hya vanwa vello ná ciryalvo cólo.

*ú-tir-ina 'un-heed-ed'
*ciryastie 'sailing', 'voyage' (ciryasta 'to sail' PE 22:121)
*ú-núra 'un-deep', 'shallow' (cf. the Undeeps, shallows in Anduin)
cólo *'load' (cf. S cûl)

There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

(Julius Caesar IV 3)

Tamas Ferencz Nov 11, 2016 (18:28)

I like that you employ ha to express 'it is a must' (if I understand your intention correctly)

Björn Fromén Nov 13, 2016 (17:35)

+Tamas Ferencz I interpret ha as a relative (or personal) pronoun, used when the antecedent is a clause (Túro mante ilqua masta ha mé·ne úmahtale 'T. ate all the bread, which [to] us was a nuisance' PE 22:119). mauya is the verb for 'compel'. ha mauya i mahtuvalwe i celume is thus intended to mean: 'which compels that we make use of the stream'.