Post Mkkt1XkPkbf

Ицхак Пензев May 25, 2014 (21:45)

Ettul-maquentiër tanar i ëa Ucrainassë vinya sondamo nollo apa i minya corma. Násë "aran tyocolatwa" Péter Porohyenco.

Tamas Ferencz May 26, 2014 (09:38)

Sonda 'seat' ná hírima mi QL; mal lanye tanca ece men quere 'chairman' tambe, quetta rá quetta.
Mana nollo?

Tamas Ferencz May 26, 2014 (10:06)

Ente, corma rá 'round' ua lai mára nin. Navin yuhtumnen aiqua lo pel-, var i sinwa quetta tyelle.

Ицхак Пензев May 27, 2014 (11:01)

That was a good quotation, +Kevin B Walsh !
As for *sondamo, it's not my invention, either. William Womack suggested it in his news msg at Elfling 10 years ago:,105446.msg128614.html#msg128614 - no disclaims were done since then.

Ицхак Пензев May 27, 2014 (17:27)

Not sure if I understood you correctly. If you ask why W.W. used this particular word, I can give a couple of considerations. At first, I thought the word "hamma" was unknown at that moment. But I was wrong. The msg is dated with year 2004, the word "hamma" is given in VT45 in year 2003. So, I suppose W.W. wanted a more abstract, more "esoteric" word.

Ицхак Пензев May 27, 2014 (22:14)

Handenyassë, taitë né i lê sanieryo. Aryavë ista er *eryë immo.
- - - - - - -
*eryë - emph.pron., 3sn, cf. inyë.

Tamas Ferencz May 28, 2014 (00:04)

+Ицхак Пензев cé mai enyálan, i mára canta ná esse?

Tamas Ferencz May 28, 2014 (00:08)

I confess I still don't like *sondamo, too much the calque of the English word:-)

Ицхак Пензев May 28, 2014 (06:13)

As a professional linguist, I can assure you: words mean what we agree them to mean. 

Ицхак Пензев May 28, 2014 (06:20)

+Tamas Ferencz , nanwië ná lyenya, i arya canta ná essë (PE17:162).

Tamas Ferencz May 28, 2014 (17:12)

+Ицхак Пензев that is quite true. All I'm saying is, one should resort to straight calques only when other possibilities (such as paraphrasing etc.) have been exhausted.

Tamas Ferencz May 28, 2014 (17:29)

+Kevin B Walsh there are other possibilities, e.g. to employ the word minya 'first, principal', for instance *minyaher 'first lord', or there is the attested cáno 'leader, ruler, chieftain', perhaps compounded with lie as in *liecáno 'leader of a people'