Post PzKskKZWiid

ܤܡܝ ܦܠܕܢܝܘܤ Jun 25, 2014 (20:24)

Please refresh my memory: Are there yet any clues on how to express the translative idea (one becoming, turning into, being made sth.) in Quenya?

Ицхак Пензев Jun 25, 2014 (21:04)

No standard solutions found till now.
Helge suggests circumlocution "ahya mir (aiqua)" and widely uses it in his NQNT project. 

ܤܡܝ ܦܠܕܢܝܘܤ Jun 26, 2014 (08:40)


I guess the idea of using mir owes to the form mirroanwi [< *mi(dă)–sraw–] *"incarnati" (where the "into flesh" might be understood in either illative or translative manner).

Tamas Ferencz Jun 26, 2014 (17:13)

Let's not forget virya- (a reference to AS weorþan?) "change, alter(nate)" from PE17:189.

ܤܡܝ ܦܠܕܢܝܘܤ Jun 27, 2014 (10:05)

Too bad there doesn't seem to be any indication as to which case/preposition the result ("changed into") would require with virya- or ahya-.