Post TwbXuX1u831

Hjalmar Holm Apr 15, 2015 (00:41)

"to put, place [something]", transitive verb, in Q and S? I first thought of penia- for S, but that seems to be more of "make sure it's fine, repair, install, fasten, make sure it will not move", as in "I fix the handle to the axe head (or other tool)" rather than "I put my cup of coffee on the table". 

Tamas Ferencz Apr 15, 2015 (01:08)

I think Q panya- is just fine for "put, set " ; see also the related empanya- "plant", or napan- "add to"

Paul Strack Apr 15, 2015 (15:37)

Early Quenya kaita- is glossed "to place" (QL:46). Later it was glossed as both intransitive and transitive "to lie" or "to lay down", but the transitive meaning is still close to "place"

Александр Запрягаев Apr 15, 2015 (15:55)

Maybe, to mirror Goldogrin pa- as opposed to panta-, try just *pan- without derivations for "put"?

Hjalmar Holm Apr 16, 2015 (12:33)

Sound reasonable.

Александр Запрягаев Apr 16, 2015 (21:54)

+Hjalmar Holm Only that would be highly homonymic when in past tense, clashing with both pad- 'to step', pen- 'to lack' and ped- 'to say' (an epic list indeed). In fact, the Sindarin past tense system, with its destructive mutations and lenitions seems to be pretty discouraging; when ebennin can mean 'I went', 'I said' and 'I put' depensing on the context, no wonder we find im echant instead of echannen!