Post UgZgNhYA3TM

Paul Strack Jan 15, 2017 (18:10)

I've release v0.5.3 of Eldamo.

It's been an embarrassingly long time since I've done anything with the lexicon, as I've been obsessed with other things (the fantasy con-world Hârn, if you're curious). I am wrapping up my work on that though and shifting back to working on Elvish.

In v0.5.3 I finally finished data entry for PE22. For the next release, I've decided to shift back to earlier material and continue chronologically, so I will be working on PE14 next. If I finish PE14 and 15, I might finally be ready to analyze Quenya verb formations.

As usual, the content is here:
Eldamo : Home
Eldamo - An Elvish Lexicon. by Paul Strack — v0.5.3 — generated on January 14, 2017 9:31:54 PM PST. This collection of documents is a lexicon of Tolkien's invented languages, particularly his Elvish languages, which are the most detailed. The collection is called a “lexicon” because it is not a ...

Tamas Ferencz Jan 16, 2017 (13:55)

Eldamo is my go-to source now if I need a dictionary, so thank you very much for your continuing efforts to improve it!

Hjalmar Holm Jan 18, 2017 (14:40)

I'm recommending it to anyone who is interested in this matter. Huzzah for PE22!

Lúthien Merilin Feb 14, 2017 (22:26)

Hello Paul,
a little group consisting of Roman Rausch, Eryn Galen, Ekin Gören and myself have been trying to settle on an approach for the dictionary project that has come up a couple of times in the past two years (or so).

Because Eldamo is the best repository (model) of Elvish words there is, we agreed that it would be great if we could use the data of Eldamo for the content of the dictionary.
We'd like to know if you are OK with that.
I'm aware that you licensed Eldamo under CC BY 4.0 - but that alone feels somewhat formal, if you catch my drift :) - we'd like to know if you approve of the idea and if you have any ideas about it?

In order to be able to use those data we think it best to convert it to a relational format from the available XML. I did something similar a few years back with Didier Willis' Hesperides data set, which was also available in XML format (using the TEI schema). Since I still have the perl script somewhere that I created to do that, it shouldn't be too much work to set that up.
Changes in the Eldamo data could then be synchronised to the database with little effort.

Our first aim is to create a relational model that can harbour the same linguistic data collection as we see in Eldamo - e.g. it should be able to cope with changed roots, derivatives, etc., and support multiple Elvish and multiple modern languages.

As our first goal we want to start with the Sindarin entries (all four of us are Sindarin enthousiast, after all) and English and German as modern languages. Adding the Quenya entries and other modern languages can always be done at a later stage.

Hope to hear from you!

Paul Strack Feb 14, 2017 (22:44)

+Lúthien Merilin Yes, feel free to use Eldamo data for your dictionary database. I don't plan on having Eldamo support non-English real world languages any time soon (if ever), so there is definitely a lot of value in such work.

If in the process of doing data conversions, you notice anything weird or incorrect, please let me know so I can make corrections on my side as well. Be especially wary of the Sindarin data, which is less vetted than the Quenya data (I have more expertise in Quenya).

This, BTW, is why I gave Eldamo the license I did. There is a lot of value in having shareable data.

Lúthien Merilin Feb 16, 2017 (12:42)

Hi +Paul Strack thank you! I'll keep you informed, of course!
It's extremely useful and a huge time-saver that your schema at - is available, btw.