Post gqi5KuKnK5n

Tamas Ferencz Mar 29, 2013 (09:38)

Manen na estaina Quenyanen i merende ya túla otsolemettasse? (Lambenen lienyo estalmes *Hrávelóra [Húsvét]).

Björn Fromén Mar 29, 2013 (16:31)

What about Tuiléri? OED on English Easter, German Ostern: Beda "derives the word from - - - the name of a goddess whose festival was celebrated at the vernal equinox". In the Steward's Reckoning tuilére was the name of a day that corresponded more or less to the vernal equinox. (Sorry for responding in English...)

Tamas Ferencz Mar 30, 2013 (11:31)

Tuiléri nar máre nin, Björn. 

Ицхак Пензев Apr 04, 2013 (23:02)

Passover is usually translated literally: Lahtië. But surely those are two totally different festivals. Anyway, I've got a couple of Christian friends who consider the name Easter pagan, and say the Resurrection Day instead. May it help to render the meaning in Quenya? Smth like Ré Enortalëo, eh? (I feel strange that I give such advices, being Jewish, ha-ha…)

Tamas Ferencz Apr 04, 2013 (23:09)

That's why I like Tuiléri - it's religion-independent

Ицхак Пензев Apr 04, 2013 (23:15)

Ah, now I see. I 've found the word (in sg.) in QQ-llo. Indeed, it makes sense. At least, it is not bound to "the name of a goddess" ;)

Tamas Ferencz Apr 05, 2013 (09:49)

Well I doubt many English speakers are aware of the fact that the name Easter ultimately comes from a pagan goddess, or if they heard of it at some point, it does not really influence their thinking of the subject. But I may be wrong of course, perhaps millions and millions of Christians cringe year after year when they look at the word:)

Ицхак Пензев Apr 05, 2013 (13:14)

I don't know. What do people celebrate at this holiday nowadays? Here in Ukraine quite many people still remember what it means. See also .