Post Qsh3KqSUapv

Fiona Jallings Jul 21, 2016 (20:33)

Here's a difficult one - how to translate "honor"? I've been thinking of using "name" to refer to reputation, as in "good name/bad name", but I'm iffy on it. What do you think?

Александр Запрягаев Jul 21, 2016 (21:59)

Per EQ aista, I'd play with 'holiness/reverence' to 'nobility'. Perhaps still valid with aistana in the prayers corpus. Among the meanings of HAN was 'to honour', so maybe Eruhantale is literally 'praising/honouring Eru', after all.

Fiona Jallings Jul 21, 2016 (23:22)

hmmmm... I'm starting to think about "revered remembrance." What do you think? rîn + gorn = ríngorn

ܤܡܝ ܦܠܕܢܝܘܤ Jul 21, 2016 (23:26)

*estanneth/estanned combined with some positivity-conveying element?
Another possibly useful theoretical noun, *mirith "esteeming, valuing of sth" [<], comes to mind as well.

Fiona Jallings Jul 21, 2016 (23:42)

*estanneth - reputation
*einestanneth - good reputation, honor
*gorestanneth - infamy, bad reputation, dishonor

I like it!

Tamas Ferencz Jul 22, 2016 (11:59)

There's also the root TAL in PE22 with the meaning of 'appraise, esteem, value' (the Q derivation _tatalla- 'admire, wonder at, marvel' is given).

ܤܡܝ ܦܠܕܢܝܘܤ Jul 22, 2016 (18:31)

Just for the record, given the many meanings of gorn and the presence of corn (which lenits into –gorn), I'd rather use anwar myself (or an adjective *anwar–eb, –u(i), –on).

Now, would *pedhren or *pen(a)id [vs. *gwîr < CE *wêrâ < PM:340] mean "personal, pertaining to one person"..? ;-)

P.S. I wonder why the PE17:113 ŋgorn is listed as a noun by e.g. David Giraudeau, but as an adjective in the Sindarin-German wordlist at