Post 9mynzgB2sjs

Tamas Ferencz Feb 23, 2015 (12:23)


Nu i landa elenya ilmen,
Sapa i lára ta núta inye.
Merya *cuianen merya firnen,
Ar nucainenye as sina nirme.

A certa sina lire pa i ondo:
'Se caita sis yasse merne;
Sisse i ciryando, marde earello
Sisse i *roimo i ambollo marde'.



Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.

This is the verse you grave for me:
'Here he lies where he longed to be;
Here is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.'

Robert Louis Stevenson

*cuia: vb. "live" KUY-
*roimo: n. "hunter, huntsman" ROY- cf. roime "hunt", roita- "to hunt"

Björn Fromén Feb 23, 2015 (22:56)

A few questions:
ta núta inye: 'and/that I sink'?
*certa- 'cut in runes'?
*marde: is this a locative (= *marse, *mardasse)?

Tamas Ferencz Feb 24, 2015 (08:58)

+Björn Fromén
yes on all 3 counts. If we had any indication that núta- or caita- could be transitive I'd have written ta nútan/caitan imne (there is panya but I somehow felt it inadequate).

Tamas Ferencz Feb 24, 2015 (09:03)

And I should correct myself right away - shows that at least at one point kaita was imagined as transitive.

Björn Fromén Feb 24, 2015 (14:20)

Yes, but in those days the intransitive verb was  _kama-_ or kaima-.

Tamas Ferencz Feb 24, 2015 (14:52)

+Björn Fromén
indeed. Well, as lame as my solution may be, it is still perhaps better then.

Björn Fromén Feb 24, 2015 (17:34)

+Tamas Ferencz
How about caitienyan ('for my lying down')?

Tamas Ferencz Feb 24, 2015 (18:16)

+Björn Fromén it'd ruin the already shaky rhyme with nirme!

Rick Spell Feb 27, 2015 (05:22)

+Tamas Ferencz One of my favorite poems