Post R9Bb8hTMoio

Tamas Ferencz Mar 10, 2015 (10:31)

Is there an attested Eldarin (or other ME language) name for the Milky Way?
I have not been able to find any so far - I wonder how Tolkien would've named it... (I also need it for a translation I am working on)

Tamas Ferencz Mar 10, 2015 (10:36) Tinwe-malle 'star-street'? Can't remember which location this refers to, but looks like a viable option (also *Elentie, *Elemmalle?)

Nik May Mar 10, 2015 (11:41)

I could imagine them calling the Milky Way 'the leaves of the Trees'.

But only post-Trees, of course.

Tamas Ferencz Mar 10, 2015 (12:10)

+Nik May
interesting metaphor

Tamas Ferencz Mar 10, 2015 (12:12)

I'm going with *Elentie for the time being as it suits my translation, but would love to hear other ideas.

Nik May Mar 10, 2015 (13:51)

Shards of the Silmarils would be poetic, post Silmarils. :)

Matt Dinse Mar 10, 2015 (19:17)

PE15:96,100 ?may? be of some use

Jenna Carpenter Mar 10, 2015 (21:59)

Perhaps they might have referred it to as The Straight Road, given that's what it looks like... (and Valinor ended up outside the Circles of the World)

Tamas Ferencz Mar 10, 2015 (22:44)

+Jenna Carpenter but isn't the Straight Road something you cannot readily find? Not something that is in plain sight every night. I like the idea though.

Tamas Ferencz Mar 10, 2015 (23:09)

+Matt Dinse fascinating. By the way, Ermine Street runs just down the road where I now live.
I'm not sure how to translate the concept of Watling Street to Eldarin though...

Matt Dinse Mar 10, 2015 (23:59)

I'm not sure how to translate ideas like Watling Street or Irminstrasse into Eldarin either, but it was the only mention of the Milky Way that I could think of. Perhaps some focus on "a road paved with dust of stars across the heavens"? I had thought that might lend support for Elentie.

Tinwemalle appears in the Index for Morgoth's Ring as 'Star-street', the path of the stars, Ilmen. It refers to "How can this possibly be brought into agreement with the idea (IV.241, 243) of the Tinwë-mallë, the path of the stars, which is the 'middle air' of Ilmen, the second region of the firmament of Ilu?"

That's referring to the Ambarkanta in Shaping, where we have "_Ilmen_: Place of light. The region above Sky. Heaven the air, than which it is thinner and more clear. Here only the stars and Moon and Sun can fly. It is called also Tinwë-mallë the Star-street, & Elenarda Stellar Kingdom."

Tamas Ferencz Mar 11, 2015 (00:46)

+Matt Dinse *Elenastie "stardust path"?
Thanks for illuminating Tinwemalle- that one appears to be a different concept.