Post hgSNRCea81i

Tamas Ferencz Jun 12, 2018 (09:58)

The next +#1000words entry I throw up here to munch on is prove.

Tamas Ferencz Jun 12, 2018 (10:01)

Robert Reynolds Jun 12, 2018 (14:37)

EQ tyasta- seems to be a causative from a root that later becomes √KYAW “taste, select, choose” and updates to *tyauta- (though this suggests formative rather than causative due to the semivocalic root). The EQ meaning “to put to the test” may stay with the later root, even though it loses the direct gloss “test”. No other word in any language seems to have that attested sense, so maybe we should extend the later glosses from the predecessor. For alternatives, √LEP “pick (out)” already has a ​-ta derivative with different meaning but √KIL “choose, select” may be an option: *kilta-​ is available.

Tamas Ferencz Jun 12, 2018 (14:56)

+Robert Reynolds I feel that the meaning 'test, put to test' is more closely related to 'taste' (i.e. try it in the mouth) than 'choose' or 'select'

Robert Reynolds Jun 12, 2018 (15:23)

+Tamas Ferencz That makes sense. Hence, I would suggest *tyauta- as above or, if we use the root variant √KYAB (MQ and some LQ; Tolkien seems only to have changed the root very late, so we don't know if the change to √KYAW would have stuck), *tyapta- which is less etymologically transparent but at least looks causative without having to specifically look up the verb class (as with *tyauta-). These keep Tolkien’s EQ word shape/formation with updated etymology. Of course, lámatyáve matters, too (a word that, ironically, uses either variant of this root…).

Tamas Ferencz Jun 12, 2018 (15:42)

I don't think transparency is a real concern for the everyday speaker